Who should apply?

We are looking for vendors with with high quality handmade products along with carefully curated antiques (100+ years old) and vintage goods (25+ years old). We are looking for handmade artisans with unique, high quality, modern/on-trend products and vintage dealers with a carefully curated selection of goods (i.e. we are not a "flea market"). Creative and beautifully styled displays are prioritized when we select vendors. However, we are also looking for new artists who have yet to showcase their work. Please don’t be shy and say hello!

Who should NOT apply?

We do NOT accept vendors with buy/sell, directly imported goods, direct to consumer/MLM, or other commercially-made or mass-produced items including those from commercial kits. We also do not allow strictly marketing or promotional tents. From time to time we might include vendors with products which are designed locally and produced via fair trade partnership, but in that case all product design must be done locally by the vendor.

Want in? Let’s talk business.

Vendor Fees:

Spaces are 8 feet wide by 4 feet deep (tables and chairs are available for your use at no charge):

$155 both days only

There is no fee to apply. This is a small highly curated market.

Reserve your space!

our promoter pledge…

  • We will provide you with printable marketing materials such as flyers, posters, post cards, thank you cards, and announcement cards.

  • We will provide vendors with social media assets for creating consistent posts with your own products.

  • We will print and hand flyers locally and in the Portland area.

  • We will post to social media at least 5 days a week but possibly more featuring all of our vendors leading up to the Market.

  • Vendors will have a listing on our vendor page with a link their website.

  • We will provide load in help Friday evening Sept 28 from 3:00 PM-8:00 PM and Saturday AM 7 AM-9 AM and load out help Sunday from 5:00 PM-7:00 PM

  • We have overnight parking at 12 Langsford for 2 small trailers for a small fee of $25 for the weekend,